Newker Primary School

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Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside.

  1. News & Events
  2. Events


School Counsellor Visit to Riverside Park

Durham County Council are working with companies Southern Green and Community First in compiling a plan for the improvement of Riverside Park in Chester-le-Street.  

They were keen to listen to people who work in and around the park, and those who run voluntary community activities. At this initial stage, they were speaking to park licence holders, some local businesses, schools, and council officers that have a link to the park. They are also speaking to the Chester-le-Street Area Action Partnership and Chester-le-Street county councillors. 

They invited representatives from our school to one of the drop-in events, to look at some ideas boards, chat about the park, and share thoughts on what works well there, what could be improved, and how we would like to see the park change in the long term. The information that is obtained will feed into generating ideas for the new plan.

Three of our school counsellors were chosen to represent Newker. 


KS2 Choir Visit to The Elms and West House

On Tuesday 17th December, Mrs O’Brien took 20 children from KS2 to spread some Christmas cheer by singing Christmas carols for the residents of two local care homes. The children sang several songs and then spent time chatting to the residents and learning about Christmas from the past. Their behaviour was impeccable and many members of the public commented on how polite and engaging our children are.