Newker Primary School

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0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside.

  1. Children
  2. Class Pages
  3. Year 3

Year 3

Mrs Locke and Mrs Smith


Hello, and welcome to Year 3. We are very much looking forward to teaching your child this year!

In Year 3, our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Harrison.

PE will be on a Thursday so please ensure that children have their PE kits. We will keep the kits in school and send home for washing at the end of each half term. During the Autumn and early Spring terms, children will go swimming each Wednesday. They will need a swimsuit, towel and swimming hat (no goggles please). We would appreciate it if children did not wear earrings on PE days.

In Year 3, pupils will continue to bring home reading books and do quizzes using Accelerated Reader. Please ensure that reading books and diaries are in school and are signed by parents at least once each week. We would love you to comment on how your child is reading at home. Pupils will also have reading lessons in school three times per week.

Homework books will be sent home each Friday. Children should complete one Maths and one English task per week. Homework should be returned to school each Thursday so that it can be marked and checked on Friday.

Spellings will be sent home on Fridays to practise and there will be an informal spelling test in class on Fridays. Children can access Spelling Shed, TT Rockstars, Accelerated Reader and Language Angels online using their individual login details.

We have lots of interesting learning coming up this year.

In English we will be reading some exciting class texts including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Firework Maker’s Daughter.

In Maths we will be starting our work on place value and exploring calculation strategies.

In History we are going to be learning about the Stone Age and Ancient Egyptians.

In Geography we will be exploring the rivers, mountains and countries of the UK.

In Science we will be studying various topics including Rocks, Forces and Light.

We will of course be practising our creative skills in our music lessons. We look forward to inviting you to our Christmas sing-a-long and class assembly.

We will also be developing our artistic skills using the Kapow Art scheme and will be designing chocolate boxes and exploring pneumatics in Technology.

Year 3 even begin to learn French this year which is brand new for us and is very exciting.

We can’t wait to get started and share these exciting learning opportunities with your child. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Mrs Locke and Mrs Smith