Newker Primary School

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Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Welcome back to school everyone!

  1. About Us
  2. Welcome

Welcome to Newker Primary School

I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Newker Primary School and welcome you to our website.  hope you find it useful to find out all about our school.

We are an inclusive and very friendly school. The most wonderful thing about our school is our amazing pupils. We are helping them to become aspirational, respectful, resilient, inquisitive learners who are healthy and happy while they are here at Newker. Our motto is: ‘Learning together, working to achieve!’

At Newker, we aim to engage all of our children in learning in an exciting and interactive way to ensure they all make good progress and attain highly.

We have reviewed our Curriculum, making sure that we offer and broad and balanced curriculum for pupils. We ensure that skills are taught progressively to enable pupils to gain a deeper understanding. In Music, our Year 4 class are currently learning how to play the guitar, while in Year 1 to Year 6 all our classes follow the Charanga Music scheme and have the opportunity to learn to play the Ukulele. We are also developing the use of our lovely large outdoor space, by offering Forest School sessions and starting on our OPAL journey. Sport is thoroughly enjoyed by the pupils at Newker and they enjoy participating in tournaments and competitions involving other Durham Schools.

Our dedicated staff team focus on making our school a safe and secure learning environment where children feel confident to try out new skills and to have a go, even if they find it difficult. At the end of Year 6, children leave our school ready to face the excitement and challenges of secondary school. They are confident to organise themselves and make new friends, and have a positive attitude to their learning.

Pupil voice is very important to us, as is parent partnership. Both of these play an integral role in developing our school further. Pupils are able to achieve good results when they have the support of the staff, their peers and you as parents and carers. Mrs Izomor is our Parental Support Adviser. We like to think we are a listening school and staff are available to talk to parents and carers. Please either speak to them on the yard at the end of the school day, send us an email ( or ring the school to make an appointment.

Thank you for visiting the website,

Mrs M Kirkland
