Newker Primary School

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Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Welcome back to school everyone!

    1. News
    2. December Newsletter

    December Newsletter

    18 December 2023 (by admin)

    Staffing Update

     We would like to say goodbye and good luck to Mrs Curtis, Mrs McGurk and Miss Agar, who will all be taking up their new jobs in the New Year.

    During the Spring Term, Mrs McEwan will take up the role of Acting Deputy Headteacher and Mrs Locke will be Acting Assistant Headteacher, until a new permanent Deputy Headteacher is appointed.

    We are also saying a fond farewell to one of our Governors, Mrs Weddle, who started volunteering at Newker in 1992 and then worked in the School Office for 19 years. She was a Governor for 17 years and has given many years of service and dedication to the school. We wish her a long and happy retirement!

    Poppy Appeal & Christmas Fair

    We raised £564.74 for the Poppy Appeal, thank you all for donating to this good cause.

    A BIG thank you to everyone for an amazing Christmas Fair on Friday.

    We raised £1,800, which is fantastic and will be used to benefit the children in school. It was very busy and we appreciated so many of you coming on the day and helping us to raise money for the school. Well done to Santa, who was very popular and thank you all for waiting so patiently in the very cold queue! The snow helped to make it extra special.

    Christmas Performances

    The children’s Christmas Performances have been wonderful and they have enjoyed singing and performing for you all. The year groups still to perform are:

    Year 5- Monday 11th December at 1.30pm in the KS2 Hall

    Reception- Tuesday 12th December at 1.30pm in the KS1 Hall

    Year 6- Wednesday 13th December at 1.30pm in the KS2 Hall

    Christmas Parties

    Christmas Parties will be held on:

    Wed 13th December-  Nursery in the morning

    Thursday 14th December- Y1 & Y2 (KS1 Hall), Y3 & Y4 (KS2 Hall)

    Friday 15th December- Reception (KS1 Hall), Y5 & Y6 (KS2 Hall)

    Christmas party clothes can be brought in a named bag and the children can change after lunch. They will be playing party games and a drink and snack will be provided by the school. I’m sure the children will have lots of fun!

    Christmas Lunch

    Our school kitchen will be serving Christmas Lunch on Thursday 14th December.

    The ‘Santa Run’ & Christmas Jumper Day

      The children are invited to take part in the ‘Santa Run’ in aid of St Oswald’s Hospice, which will take place during school on Monday 18th December. Children will be provided with their own Santa Hat and if you would like to donate to this worthwhile charity, they can bring in £1 cash for the collection bucket.

    Please could the children bring wellies to run in, as the school field might be muddy and wet.

    Our school Christmas Jumper/non-uniform/wear something Christmassy Day will be on Tuesday 19th December- the day that we break up for the Christmas Holidays.

    We break up for the Christmas Holidays on Tuesday 19th December.

    School re-opens on Thursday 4th January 2024.

    On behalf of all the staff here at Newker, I  would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Mrs Kirkland
